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roselone posted @ 2010年7月08日 08:59 in 未分类 with tags twocold;solo; , 8384 阅读

auther         twocold
translator    RL

Someone told me a few days ago that when he studied in university, he was a youth writer, dreaming to be a writer and journalist. At that time, we were popular, not to say you knew a little poetry and guitar. With flower in your hand, girls would be fascinated. However, girls no longer take those guys in heart nowadays. What those girls really care about is ... I said, in this case, would you still write poetry and guitar? He said, ... .

This is our world, where men change the world while women change men's world views. But there is still some views about the world stand there, silly and shouldn't be changed no matter how many facts, setbacks, taunts or lies.

We should always have dreams. Writers' happiest thing is to make their works won't be so regretful like the real world, while readers' happiest thing is to touch their dreams with their eyes. The world is so ruthless, but we all have the right to treat ourselves. Hoping that when SOLO gone with the wind, you could still remember the journey of adventure in your youth

Too cold, so warm.

Acknowledgement: intijk

                                                           2010.07.08 00:54 F

boat 说:
2010年10月15日 00:44


ninjaessays 说:
2018年9月27日 01:12


Primary Result Rajsh 说:
2022年9月02日 00:48

Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Directorate of Primary Education (DPE), is going to announce PSC Result 2022 in student wide on 30th December 2022 for all divisional Grade 5 exam result with Ebtedayee Result 2022 for annual final terminal examinations, The Primary School Certificate Examination Result 2022 will be announced for both of General and Madhrsah students in division wise to all education board known as Prathomik Somaponi Result 2022. Primary Result Rajshahi DivisionThe DPE has successfully conducted the class 5th grade PSC and Ebtedayee Examination tests from 17th to 24th November 2022 under all education boards of Dhaka, Chittagong, Comilla, Rajshahi, Sylhet, Barisal, Jessore, Dinajpur and Madrasah Board, and the DPE Grade-5 exams are successfully conducted at all 7,194 centers across the country.

horario militar 24 h 说:
2023年7月28日 00:21

La hora militar, también conocida como hora de 24 horas, es un sistema utilizado para expresar la hora de forma clara y coherente. Es ampliamente utilizado por el ejército, así como en varios campos, como la aviación, la atención médica y los servicios de emergencia. horario militar 24 horas En horario militar, el día se divide en 24 horas, comenzando desde la medianoche (00:00) y continuando hasta la medianoche siguiente. Cada hora está representada por un número de dos dígitos, que va del 00 al 23. Esto elimina la necesidad de designaciones como “am” y “pm” que se usan en el sistema de reloj civil de 12 horas.

PSEB 8th Class Syll 说:
2023年8月03日 18:49

PSEB 8th Class Exam Date Sheet 2024 Available at Official Website, Every Year This Elementary School Final Exam Conducted Month of April, so Students Download Punjabi Class new Syllabus 2024 Regular Redding and Fallow for Final Exam Better Performance,Students we are Providing here the Latest Updated PSEB Class Syllabus 2024, Punjab Board Students who entered 8th Class This year PSEB 8th Class Syllabus 2024 must go Through This Latest Syllabus to Understand the course Structure for the Upcoming Part of the Current Academic of the most Important Tools that help in knowing the Course Description. 说:
2024年1月20日 01:13

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