Creative Commons

署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 3.0 Unported


  • 创作演绎作品


  • 署名您必须按照作者或者许可人指定的方式对作品进行署名。

    What does "Attribute this work" mean?
    The page you came from contained embedded licensing metadata, including how the creator wishes to be attributed for re-use. You can use the HTML here to cite the work. Doing so will also include metadata on your page so that others can find the original work as well.
  • 非商业性使用您不得将本作品用于商业目的。

  • 相同方式共享如果您改变、转换本作品或者以本作品为基础进行创作,您只能采用与本协议相同的许可协议发布基于本作品的演绎作品。

With the understanding that:

  • Waiver — Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
  • Other Rights — In no way are any of the following rights affected by the license:
    • Your fair dealing or fair use rights;
    • The author's moral rights;
    • Rights other persons may have either in the work itself or in how the work is used, such as publicity or privacy rights.
  • Notice — 对任何再使用或者发行,您都必须向他人清楚地展示本作品使用的许可协议条款。
